Search Results for 'Michelle Murphy'

33 results found.

Mulholland not to stand in local elections

John Mulholland, the former Galway city councillor and mayor, will not be contesting the Local Elections in May.

Warm welcome for Galway city’s newest representative

Listening to the concerns of the people and working to ensure a safe city that embraces multiculturalism, that anti-social behaviour is stamped out, and infrastructure projects such as the Galway City Outer Bypass are progressed, are just some of the ways Galway’s newest city councillor Michelle Murphy hopes to make a difference.

Fine Gael poised to gain seats in city in local election

A mixture of familiar faces, dynasties, and at least one new name characterise the make up of Fine Gael’s 2014 Local Election ticket for Galway city.

Experts urge homeowners to review protection policies

Approximately 95,500 homeowners are now in arrears for their principal home for over 90 days and the majority of these may be potentially under insured on their mortgage protection. This is according to analysis of the latest Central Bank figures by Caledonian Life, who have said that of the 95,500 homeowners who are in arrears for three months, many could be unaware of the need to reflect any changes to their mortgage repayment structure in their protection policies.

Signs of optimism in the jobs market, says Collins McNicholas

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The number of jobs registered with Collins McNicholas, the national Recruitment and HR Services Group, increased by 24% in the first two months of this year, in comparison with the same period from the previous year.

Successful briefing on the everchanging employment law

Collins McNicholas & Purdy Fitzgerald Solicitors yesterday hosted a major Employment Law Breakfast Briefing in the Clayton Hotel where clients from within the multinational, Irish indigenous, SMEs and public sector from across the re%gion provided an overview on recent updates in legislation.

All hands on deck as BPW members row in behind Let’s Do It Global

BPW Galway (Galway and District Business & Professional Women’s Club) is ‘rowing’ in behind Let’s Do It Global as it feels there is serious potential in 2012 with the arrival of the Volvo Ocean Race grand finale to showcase Galway.

BPW to host the region’s best public speakers in city this weekend

This year BPW Galway has expanded the popular Public Speaking Competition to all reach out to schools across the Connacht region and in doing so are proud to announce seven teams will be participating in this year's event in taking place in Galway on this Saturday November 12.

BPW Galway and The Galway Clinic raise awareness of osteoporosis at health event

BPW Galway will be hosting a special health event to raise awareness of osteoporosis at The Ardilaun hotel on Tuesday, November 8, at 6pm.

Local recruitment company reports strong job growth in first half of 2011

Data released this week by the Galway-based Collins McNicholas Recruitment and HR Services Group, one of Ireland’s leading recruitment firms, has revealed significant job growth in the first half of 2011 with the number of job vacancies registered with Collins McNicholas in 2011, 58 per cent higher than it was in the first half of 2010.


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